Introducing Your Health Outdoors™, a new Ecological Health program for the General Public!

Your Health Outdoors is a new Great Plains Restoration Council program that allows the general public to experience Ecological Health while protecting our endangered prairies and plains!

Volunteers, Students, Interns, Hospitals, and anyone else are invited to participate.

Ecological Health is for everybody and we all need to get outside more, take better care of ourselves through taking better care of the Earth.

We can no longer be visitors to nature or are own lives.

Want to get outdoors and stimulate your immune system?

Want to free your body, mind and soul, get your hands dirty and your day a little hot, sweaty (or cold) and exhilarated, with bright eyes and new breath from good work helping our prairies stay alive?

Over the last several years, in GPRC’s  2 signature programs Plains Youth InterACTION and Restoration Not Incarceration, we have seen the health benefits of working outside in wild nature. We want to expand this opportunity so anyone from the general public may participate.

Too many of us are confined indoors behind computers for too long without experiencing the richness of health outdoors.

Now it is time to take advantage of Your Health Outdoors on one of GPRC’s prairie projects, and learn the 12 Components of Ecological Health, as well as the practices and principles of GPRC’s Ecological Health Life Wheel.  There are 100 years of work to do, and a  lot of it needs to get done in the next 30 years.

Things you will need:

  • Boots
  • gloves
  • long sleeve shirts
  • hat
  • insect repellant (natural repellant options are healthier for your skin)
  • water
  • healthy snack and lunch
  • willingness to stretch your body and supple your mind as one

Contact us or call us at 832.598.GPRC  to schedule a work day or longer project. 

Please feel free to bring yourself, your friends, your work department, your class or school, your family, church, or neighborhood group, and spread the word.

Thanks for caring, and thanks for embracing the awesome opportunity to be alive and and serve.

We’ll see you outdoors in one of GPRC’s prairie preserves!